Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Intelligence and Ambition: Bare Necessities

I've been tested a lot lately, and sometimes I beat myself up for things I shouldn't. The below is a quote I have etched in my brain. Without either, where are you ever going to go in life? You will remain right where you are... Now, if you are happy with that good for you! But, I believe there is always room to grow and improve.
Where is this leading to? A very, very poor in taste meme I seen scrolling through social media. Lately, I've seen more and more posts that makes me stop and shake my head. Most of those things I will not drag into my blog; however, I did see this meme today... it really irritated me. Brace yourself.
 Seriously? Seriously?! I don't know why this irritates me so much, but it does. For more reason than one.

1. There is a difference between "are" and "our". It makes me cringe and I feel a migraine developing. Come on, basic English people!

2. This generation is not as terrible as people think it is. I'm sure you've heard more than once someone cursing these darn kids. There are some major issues with this generation, but don't label us all into that category. 

3. A man cooking?! Good for him! Did you know it is 2015? Gender roles are continually changing. I will agree that women AND men should know how to cook. It's a basic survival skill, but the idea a woman is SUPPOSED to cook... Yeah, that's not happening. My first few years of marriage, my husband primarily cooked, and we were okay with it. Now, I gained some new skills and amazing recipes, so I primarily cook, and we are okay with that too.

I'm not even going to pick apart this meme. I really hope that's a grilled cheese he is cooking because that is literally in the top 5 of comfort foods. 

A little intelligence and ambition can take you a long way- even providing you with the ability to create a grammatically correct meme.

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