Monday, July 20, 2015

Think you're ready for a tattoo?

The topic of debate at my house recently has been the addition of tattoos. No, mom, don't worry. I am no getting any more. Joe has decided he wants another, and it has sparked somewhat of a debate.

Now, let me be clear. This is not a debate of whether he should or shouldn't. If he wants another... great. What this debate is about, what this tattoo should be. Joe has a knack for drawing and has developed some wicked designs. Most relate back to and honor his father in some way. The one I am not crazy about is the sugar skull. I found two sugar skulls that I said would look absolutely great on him, but for some reason, he doesn't think so.

 I am all for tattoos, and I have some of my own. Since Joe let it slip to my mother how many I really I have, I can now own up to all of them. Total of six, but let me share some things to think about before the ink hits the skin.

Disclaimer: I do not regret any of my tattoos. They are a part of me, and each have significance or a memory associated with them.

Things You Probably Should Think About:

1. It's there literally forever. (Unless you pay three times the money and endure three times the pain to have it removed.) Do you want to look at it forever? Everyday, every single day. Make sure it is exactly what you want and spelled correctly.

2. Is that song lyric, quote, passage still going to be cool or meaningful in ten years? If you don't immediately say yes, reconsider.

3. Are tattoos frowned up in your profession? Now, I know this is a heated topic, and as times change, the work place is becoming more cognizant and lenient towards tattoos as long as they are not offensive. (That is a whole different topic for another day.) All of mine can be concealed should I choose too. My feet are usually the ones people see when I have a dress or skirt and heels on.

4. How's your finances? Do NOT do this on the cheap. I am all about a deal, but when altering your body for LIFE, here's where you want to spend your money. If your artist is offers to do it for cheap, it's probably too good to be true.

5. Have you researched your artist? Again, you are altering your body FOREVER, Cleanliness and sterilization should be your top priorities. On top of that, you want someone who knows what they are doing. Review their portfolio. With today's technology, it's a lot easier. Artist's or tattoo shops have social media profiles with albums and albums of pictures.

Think about it people! Don't end up on Pinterest as a tattoo fail.

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